Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Business class

Holy luxury! Business class = ah-mah-zing.

This is the view from my seat in business class. And yes, those are slippers and blankey just for me. Did I mention that we're in business class?


Landed safely at LAX or should I say the gigantic pile of dog-dookie where planes land in LA. Seriously what an awful airport. I mean it is the nastiest city on the planet but they could at least spice up the airport. *sigh*.

We avoided death by starvation by eating a super healthy meal at some sort of route 66 restaurant then exchanged some USD into Thai Baht just in case we don't get a chance when we land in Bangkok.

Waiting for the plane now and fighting off a breakfast burrito induced coma. Did we happen to mention that we're flying business class to Tokyo? That's right, we're gonna be rubbing elbows with those pesky 1%'ers :) I plan to stay awake the entire flight just to make sure I experience everything my money bought me!!!!!

On a side note, here's an interesting fact: did you know a tide pen won't get everything out of your clothes? Even if the stain is less than 30 seconds old you ask? I have successfully proved that a tide pen is not the Swiss Army knife of stain fighters! Translation: I ruined my shorts only 1 hour into our 4 month trip :(

P.S. I had my first celebrity sighting at an airport eva!!!! We saw the fabulous as always Sissy Spacek!! I think she winked at me but it could have been the glare from my business class ticket.

... Cause we are leavin on a jet plane ...

Guess who's at the airport!!!! After a thorough strip search and a little discomfort, we're impatiently awaiting our flight.

You might be wondering what's going through our minds right now. Well could it be 'We're going to see such wonderful sights!' or possibly 'The beaches are going to be bompin!' well you'd be wrong if those were your guesses. 'What's for breakfast?' is our main concern right now! Only problem is we're in the commuter terminal and the only options are last nights dinner rolls or some candy. Guess we'll have to wait until LA to eat.

NOTE: I know the actual song lyrics i borrowed for the title would probably dictate an apostrophe instead of the we and the are. However the blogspot app on my phone seems to think that "&apos" looks much better than an actual apostrophe. So bear with the technical issues.

Monday, January 30, 2012


We're leaving in less than 9 hours ... Everything is packed (we hope), loose ends have been tied up (or completely forgotten about), fresh haircuts and new coats of nail polish have been applied (to Mrs Blue's nails of course). Now all we have to do is go to sleep.

Luckily for us we have some fabulous friends who graciously spent their Monday night grubbing it up with us.

Anyhow, thought I'd give a quick synopsis of our next 2 days:

San Diego - LA
LA - Tokyo
Tokyo - Bangkok

We arrive in Bangkok a little before midnight on Feb 1st which means mr Blue will be grumpy as a Sasquatch.

We'll probably sleep the next 48 hours so we'll update whenever we can.

Good night America ... See you in a few months :)


Check out what we've packed


Friday, January 20, 2012

To plan or not to plan?

We usually fly by the seat of our pants on our overseas vacations and this trip will be no different. The two regrets we read about the most are over packing and over planning. To avoid the over packing issue we've taken the "don't think about it" approach. I have a few (4) clothing items that I know I'm packing. We've basically figured out the electronics and toiletries but for clothes we're just going to throw them in instead of thinking too much and trying to plan for every event. We can also pick up stuff a long the way.

We've booked the first two nights in Bangkok since we're getting in at midnight after 20+ hours of travel and then we're heading south to Koh Phangan for the full moon party. We're taking an overnight train to get there which I'm excited about and then spending 4 nights in Koh Phangan which is more then we originally wanted to but it was hard finding a place that didn't have a 4 night minimum. This is all the pre-planning we'll be doing, after that we just need to make sure we get out of Thailand before our 30 day visa expires. The only reason we even planned this much is because the full moon party draws 20,000 people to a tiny island and we didn't want to get stuck with no place to stay.

One more day of work for each of us and then it's pack, move, fly!

Monday, January 9, 2012

How did we get here?

Early on in our relationship (just about 10 years ago) Michael wanted to go to Ireland, I being 19 at the time had no desire. Why would I want to go to a cold, wet country when there were so many warm beaches calling my name? http://blueenterprises.blogspot.com/p/how-did-we-get-here.html

Monday, January 2, 2012

Getting close

We're a little less than 1 month from leaving and figured its a good time to start our blog. We've still got a ton of stuff to do, a ton of stuff to get and pretty much nothing planned for the trip except our ticket into Bangkok.

As for this blog, we're really hoping to keep it as up to date as possible while we're gone. I'm sure connectivity will be an issue over there but we'll do the best we can. Pictures will be uploaded here and to Flickr so be on the look out. I added a link to the side for our Flickr feed which should make it easier for everyone.

I'll be adding more things as we get closer ... Itinerary, budget, packing list, etc, so stay tuned!!!!