Friday, March 23, 2012



The war has been raging for 6 long days. Sometimes we beat 'em back with a bloody nose. Mostly we get a solid beating on an almost hourly basis. Generally we sit in some neutral stance waiting for the next attack. The apprehension of this next attack is so terrifying that we sit paralyzed in our room ... Wondering if we'll be able to make it to the 'safe place'. On the rare occasion we brave the outside world the savage attacks beat us right back to our room.

6'ish days after the war started, we're finally at a point where the tide seems to have turned in our favor. Just as night seemed to have fallen for good, we sallied forth a final time. Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more.

We're quite certain that our enemy is the little demon known as Ebola. Hahaha, just making sure you're paying attention. We really think it was Salmonella. After an exhaustive epidemiological study of our every move and meal, we've narrowed the potential death vectors down to a small eatery in Siem Reap or breakfast at our hotel in Siem Reap. We can't pinpoint patient 0, but we're almost 100% sure we caught the bug either the 17th or 18th. Regardless of how it started, luckily Carolyn didn't get the worst of it. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky. But, we fought the good fight an are still standing (or slightly leaning on Carolyn). So the show goes on.

Ventured out for the longest stretch in a while. Perused the central market for a bit and then made our way to get Carolyn a fabulous massage. The people at the massage place were the nicest ever. Just seemed genuinely wonderful. Had dinner after that and watched a pretty righteous rain storm!

Heading down to Sihanoukville tomorrow. We're planning to be in Vietnam by the beginning of April so we've still got a week to go in Cambodia.

1) us at dinner.
2) us at dinner with lightning in the background.
3) view from dinner.

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