Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Landed safely at LAX or should I say the gigantic pile of dog-dookie where planes land in LA. Seriously what an awful airport. I mean it is the nastiest city on the planet but they could at least spice up the airport. *sigh*.

We avoided death by starvation by eating a super healthy meal at some sort of route 66 restaurant then exchanged some USD into Thai Baht just in case we don't get a chance when we land in Bangkok.

Waiting for the plane now and fighting off a breakfast burrito induced coma. Did we happen to mention that we're flying business class to Tokyo? That's right, we're gonna be rubbing elbows with those pesky 1%'ers :) I plan to stay awake the entire flight just to make sure I experience everything my money bought me!!!!!

On a side note, here's an interesting fact: did you know a tide pen won't get everything out of your clothes? Even if the stain is less than 30 seconds old you ask? I have successfully proved that a tide pen is not the Swiss Army knife of stain fighters! Translation: I ruined my shorts only 1 hour into our 4 month trip :(

P.S. I had my first celebrity sighting at an airport eva!!!! We saw the fabulous as always Sissy Spacek!! I think she winked at me but it could have been the glare from my business class ticket.

1 comment:

  1. On the plus side they did have Heinz Ketchup:) and Starbucks! Sorry about the shorts. Have a great time !
