Friday, January 20, 2012

To plan or not to plan?

We usually fly by the seat of our pants on our overseas vacations and this trip will be no different. The two regrets we read about the most are over packing and over planning. To avoid the over packing issue we've taken the "don't think about it" approach. I have a few (4) clothing items that I know I'm packing. We've basically figured out the electronics and toiletries but for clothes we're just going to throw them in instead of thinking too much and trying to plan for every event. We can also pick up stuff a long the way.

We've booked the first two nights in Bangkok since we're getting in at midnight after 20+ hours of travel and then we're heading south to Koh Phangan for the full moon party. We're taking an overnight train to get there which I'm excited about and then spending 4 nights in Koh Phangan which is more then we originally wanted to but it was hard finding a place that didn't have a 4 night minimum. This is all the pre-planning we'll be doing, after that we just need to make sure we get out of Thailand before our 30 day visa expires. The only reason we even planned this much is because the full moon party draws 20,000 people to a tiny island and we didn't want to get stuck with no place to stay.

One more day of work for each of us and then it's pack, move, fly!


  1. How exciting and nervous you both must be I can't wait to hear about your adventures!

  2. I'm so excited you're doing this fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants travel!! And that you have a blog I can follow! Woot woot! Can't wait to see all the pictures...

  3. Hi Carolyn, I am so excited for you and Michael. You two have really taken life by the have your love for each other and your youth. Enjoy every moment of it.. Your living the life most of us dream about. Hopfully the next time you are at Mom's I can come down and see you and we can catch up. I know I haven't been around much but I hope you know I love you very much. Enjoy your trip.
