Monday, February 13, 2012

Koh Phi Phi

It's the island that the Leonardo Dicapro movie The Beach was filmed or so we're told. We've never heard of the movie. We booked our tickets through the travel people from the bus ride where we spent the night, paying 600 baht per ticket. When we got to Phuket Town we saw signs everywhere "tickets to Phi Phi 300 baht". Darn we got the gringo special again. We figure we're still in our two week period and most people we've met have had their share of getting ripped off during that time.

This place is filled will the most organized chaos I have ever seen! We buy our tickets and have the mans full attention and as soon as we pay he throws us out while we're asking about the bus station. We've got a voucher for a hostel in Phuket Town and one for a ferry to Phi Phi that includes pick up at the hotel. We figure out the bus and make our way to the hostel, mass transit in a big non English speaking country, go Blues! Fast forward to this morning, we're nervous that the cab won't come but it does and then when we arrive he runs over to a table where our tickets our, then a third man has us follow him to the boat and we suddenly realize that we weren't ripped off we were swindled! We are not on the backpackers boat we're on the Luxery liner. No paying to use the toliet or tp here, free coffee, water and snacks even motion sickness pills and lots of rich Europeans. So for the next two hours we're driving in style!

1 comment:

  1. I saw that movie. In hs. From what I remember, it sucked. Have fun!!!
