Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Recovery Day

Apparently I had 3 beer Laos too many last night. I would say it was food poisoning but Michael and I ordered the same meal. I never get sick and this morning I felt fine so who knows what it was from. We got our lazy butts out of bed in time for our free breakfast at the guesthouse and it was well worth it. Eggs, coffee, fruit and a baguette. I am loving the French influence here!

From there we walked into town to exchange some Thai money for Laos money. In true tourist form there exchange places everywhere and most advertise that they can give you cash off of your Visa or MasterCard, thanks but no thanks. The best rate is at the bank but yesterday when we went they were closed for lunch and then closed for the day at 1500, seriously keeping the bankers hours here in Laos.

After that we hopped on a tuk-tuk going to Kuang Si waterfall. After we started the trip we were informed by another passenger that we were only going for two hours because that's all the first couple wanted, we were bummed and the trip was definitely rushed but it's a tourist town, we should have asked before we left. We also got screwed on the price since we thought what he quoted us was for both of us but it was per person. Still worth the trip as it was beautiful and nice to go for swim on a hot humid day. Oh and like any trip it's fun to meet people. This time we got the pleasure of meeting an older German who lives in the French part of Switzerland and lives a harmonious life style. He said they traveled 7 months a year until his daughter was 10 and she told them she wanted to attend school and grow some roots and then she suddenly didn't want to live their lifestyle of yoga, meditation, eating on the floor. All we could think of is how do hippies afford to life in Switzerland?

This afternoon was more get Carolyn thin time and as we climbed up Phou Si mountain to see Buddhas foot print. We wonder why there are never cool things to see at ground level? It had a nice view of the city and was pretty funny to see the crap they try to pass off. The best part was that we were up there at 1600 and that's when Monks do some sort of drumming which we could hear coming from many different Wats. Rounded out the day with a smorgasbord of street food and a beer with our new friend Jim. After last nights ordeal I opted for a fanta. Tomorrow we might try to get up at 6 to attend an alms ceremony where you can watch the locals give food to the Monks but a) we're not morning people and b) we read the Monks don't even want to do it but the government makes them.

A happy happy birthday to our wonderful friend Marisa. I truly don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks for all the advice, emergency doctors visits, shoulder to cry on, being our personal post office and the hundreds of home cooked meals.

Pictures of the day:
Washington Apples in Laos? Jeremy we think you should get a job with red delicious apparently it's a lucrative business
The main attraction at Kuang Si
Michael jumping from the rope swing at on the of Kuang Si pools

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