Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Being an adult sucks

It's down to the wire, we need to make a major life decision and we have no idea which to choose. Michael applied to get his PhD and the two front runners are USF (St. Pete, FL) or SDSU (San Diego). There are so many reasons why each would be great, our hearts tell us USF but our heads tell us SDSU, being an adult sucks, 5 years ago this would have been easy. Last week we decided on USF for reasons I'll get into in a minute but then I couldn't sleep and felt like I was suffocating, it's more financially responsible to for us to stay in San Diego.

USF - offer is full tuition and 22k a year to be a research assistant. They have contacted Michael many times to see what they can do to get him to get him to go there. Degree is in Physical Oceanography.

Positives - Michael loves the feel of the school, big school but small dept for him on a separate campus much like it was when he got his masters. Seems more one and one.
- We already have family and friends there
- We have a transitional place to stay
- The cost of living is far less then CA

- I'll have to find a job which means moving with no second income and I won't have insurance (I can get it through the Army if I'm in a bind). I'm in the middle of a job career crisis and am currently reevaluating what I want to be when I grow up but since we are traveling and the move would be soon after that time is a factor.
- The above assumes that for a while we won't be contributing to our future which scares us to death, your supposed to fund young and often and we do a pretty good job of that now.
- We would have to forever surrender our kitties to their awesome foster parents as the friends we are staying with are allergic and moving them via plane for 5+ hours is torture for them.

SDSU - offer is full tuition for three years, we pay for one year out of pocket. Degree is in Computation Science which is more technical than USFs degree. He'll be working with an advisor but he'd be another body sitting it a cubicle in a large room.

Positives- Michael can work half time while attending school and I can work full time therefore our lifestyle will change little. We'll keep our health insurance, contribute to our future and not exactly have to live like college students
- We love San Diego and although it's far from our families we have a great support group of friends
- We get to reunite with our fluffy friends

- SDSU isn't accredited to give PhDs so his second year he'd have to pay out of pocket because he'd be attending Clairemont Graduate School in LA which means commuting for a year.
- Michael would have to work and go to school full time.
- Although the stability of my job is great, I hate it but the perks are so good I'm afraid I'll just stay.

Florida is a big life change and has a lot of 'what ifs'. If I get a decent paying job then I wouldn't have to make that much for it to be equal to what we'd both be making in San Diego and Michael could just concentrate on school but we'd give up the big security blanket of our current stable jobs.

San Diego is more stable but the school isn't as appealing and he'd have to work. The 'what if' here is that he can apply to a program through work that would pay him half time to attend school but it's competitive and if he got in it wouldn't be until year 2, also he'd owed work a year for every year they gave them.

Our decision has to be made in 10 days and we are completely torn.

1 comment:

  1. Don't want to sway your decision (actually I do), but Michael doesn't have to go to school next year. He could wait another year to see about the scholarship and apply to Scripps at UCSD, which is accredited!
