Saturday, June 2, 2012

Welcome back to America!


We had some serious plans for a 'coming home' blog post but clearly this plans didn't materialize. So I'll just summarize a few tid-bits until we can scrape together a better story.

The flight from Rome was a little low class for our tastes. As this blog no doubt has shown, we're used to certain luxuries in our gypsy life. Things like leg room, hot towels, in-seat TV with atleast 1000 options, cheese plates, etc etc. This particular flight would not have made Robin Leach happy. BTW if you don't know who that is I'm pretty sure it means you were born after 1990. The plane was old and a bit rickety. It even had ash trays .... EWWWWWWW! The in-seat tv (although better than nothing) only had 6 channels which played the same movie in a loop. Basically it wasn't 1st class. Oh well.

Got to DC and had some initial culture shocks. After 4 months gone the 2 biggest American culture shocks were:

1) Americans as a whole are significantly larger than people from SE Asia and Italy.
2) Americans as a whole are significantly more polite than people from SE Asia and Italy (yes even NY'ers!).

I'll save our thoughts on that for another post but I think the size issue stems from the portion size offered.

Anyway, we had our first Frosty (super yummy!) and Starbucks, had a small heart attack over the price of 2 drinks at starbucks ($9.50 ... Seriously!) and got to use our cell phones for more than an alarm clock.

Flew to NY, had a fabulous welcome from the family and after almost 24 hours of travel (woke up in Rome around 7AM, in bed the following day at about 6AM Rome time).

The next few days were a blur of visiting some of our very best friends, family in NJ, Friendly's, pizza and 7-11 coffee :) Saw the Avengers (amazing!), Yankees games (on tv) and drove around here and there.

We spent a day in NYC with our favorite diva Amanda!!!!! Even convinced her to walk around the city with us and hang out at Fleet Week :).

Can't believe we've already been back a week! Heading to Houston today to see some wonderful friends and then back to San Diego on Tuesday where we have to face real life. *****sigh****


1) Carolyn opened the window on the plane and my inner vampire got angry.
2) us in DC.
3) us on the subway in NYC.
4) Carolyn having a scrumptious meal at shake shack in NYC.
5) Carolyn and Amanda getting comfy on a Marine Corps helicopter.
6) us leaving Rome :(
7) Me, Carolyn, Matt and Aysen.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! We missed having you in the country. You need to total up the number of miles you traveled, if you haven't already. That might make a very interesting number.
