Wednesday, March 7, 2012

$37 cup of coffee

The alarm goes off this morning and we hear something funny, I wipe the sleep from my eyes and think no this can't be but it is...rain! Not just a drizzle either, it hasn't rain for us in over 30 days. I was suddenly looking forward to today's tour. Michael failed to mention that our adventure yesterday was in blazing heat and we each sweat a few gallons of water.

The reason we didn't book a tour in the first place was because they throw in all this extra stuff that we don't want to see. Today's didn't let us down. Drive to a shack see some tea leaves, buy tea from the "Tea Master", drive to next shack see coffee trees, buy coffee, see waterfall which is 85% covered in thick fog, drive to waterfall number 2 which has a bit of a climb down to the base. Since its a tad wet and Michael is the clumsiest guy around he slips, scrapes his hand, gets mud all over his white bathing suit. *Michael takes a fall about once in every city we've been to, most of the time it's just his pride that is hurt but he's actually in pain and there's some blood. Darn why am I never ready with camera when these funny incidents happen. In Chiang Mai all the side walks are sloped and painted red and white so you can't miss them, or can you? Michael fell numerous times there. In Vang Vieng he fell as we were leaving a cafe one morning and it was so funny the locals across the street were laughing hard and loud. Michael takes a dip in the waterfall to clean up and we move on to a village where they supposedly makes their own coffins and then stores them until they pass. We didn't see any coffins or coffins in the making but we saw a ton of pigs, piglets and kids asking for pens. After the village Michael realized that a whole bottle of water leaked in his dry bag. It must have busted open on the fall, our guide book got a good washing! Long drive to waterfall number 3 and lunch, then off to one last village before heading into town.

It was a nice day and we did get to meet some people but I think yesterday was more of an authentic day. Either way we never did get to the coffee tour, must be some secret code we don't know about. Michael got 3 cups today so I think he'll be just fine.

Michael and his coffee plant
Waterfall number 2
Michael bloodshed (his palm is quite swollen and bruised now)

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