Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sick day

Yesterday Michael woke up with a stuffy nose and ended the day with a fever so we opted to lounge today instead of spending 8 hours with a couple thousands tourists in the sweltering heat at Angkor Wat. Luckily we have some leeway with our dates in Cambodia.

We spent the day napping, researching our next steps and doing some last minute tax prep oh and the big event was that Michael got a haircut! This was the longest he's gone since I've met him, he usually gets it cut every two weeks like clockwork. We were a little nervous and even as he was getting it done I thought it was going to be a disaster but it surprisingly came out great! Did a little souvenir shopping tonight, we've bought practically nothing since we started traveling but we picked up two awesome hammocks for $6. Now we just need a place to live so we can hang them.

1) New haircut = new man!
2) This is a picture from two nights ago if you look behind Michael you will notice an unusual but common fade going on her in Cambodia...PJs! Everyone wears matching pjs as clothes. Atleast this woman is accessorizing with a hat and she's got a tame print compared to others we've seen

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