Saturday, March 31, 2012

Farewell Cambodia

Tomorrow we head out bright and early to Vietnam so today we regrouped and did some future planning. Picked up the laundry and passports and searched the Internet. It was gloomy all day and we've seen a few good thunderstorms so we waited and waited but it didn't come until 2130 and of course we were kinda far from our hotel and had to run back. Good to know the lungs still work after two months of no running. There are a few 'movie theaters' in town so we got a room and watched The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. We both read the book and just like in most cases the book was way better then the movie.

We ran into our new friends today as they were heading back from Koh Rong. Meeting people is by far one of the highlights of traveling and we really found gems with these two. They had a wealth of travel and life knowledge and we just had an amazing time with them.

I'm still covered in bug bites and it's so darn itchy, I have so many it's like having chicken pox. Michael's been a sport and helped applying the anti itch cream to the 50+ bites on my back and arms. It should go away soon!

This is what happens when military members don't dispose of their uniforms properly. We saw these drying at someone's house. It not as bad as all the BDU tops men were wearing in Laos with name tapes, rank and US Army or Air Force still on them.

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