Monday, March 5, 2012

Dare to dream


We had a few goals in mind for this trip before we came and have come up with a couple others during our time on the Gringo Trail. Recently I realized that I've had a certain goal in mind for a while now. Hmmmm, goal is too soft a word for this. Dream is a much better description. Yes, I've had a dream for a while now just waiting to be realized.

What is this dream you ask? Well I just don't think you can ever get the full experience of riding in a bus in SE Asia until you ride in one that has locals AND chickens. So my wonderful wife found a truck/bus with a Rooster in it!!!!! Woohoo! Another check in the box on my life list :)

Oh and there were a couple random cows roaming around the 'bus station.' Just an added little bonus!

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