Monday, May 21, 2012

Close calls

Today wasn't one of our finer planning days. We booked a tour thinking when we got back to Florence we could take a train directly to Siena, our next location. The trip we booked was making a stop in Siena but we wanted the tour for the wine tasting which was after Siena. We had the good sense to buy our train tickets ahead and bring our bags with us on the tour. We were supposed to get back around 1930ish and our train was at 2010. Normally if we miss a train it's no big deal, just take the next one but we realized our hotel only allowed check in until 2030, we contacted them and they said check in would be until 2330. That's fine IF we make the 2010 train. We told the tour guide about our train and he tried to wrap things up but we were already behind due to some late people earlier in the trip. At 1940 while sitting in traffic I start trying to figure out our contingency plan, the next train gets in at 2315, maybe we could have the tour guide call the hotel and then take a cab from the train to the hotel, Michael had said there was a bus to Siena but we didn't look up the schedule, what are the chances we can find the ticket booth and get on a bus that gets us there before 2300? We pulled into the train station, run to the train and pull the closing doors open as we hopped on, we made it!!! Thank goodness because it's been a long day.
Michael kept me up ALL night over three so called mosquitos. He claims he was getting bit all night although he can not produce any bites. After a very loud bug repellant application, (seriously only my husband could make a racket applying a lotion!) at 4am I finally got some zzzs before the alarm went off at 7. Up, shower, pack, breakfast, meet bus. We were exhausted. Michael said he felt like it was hell week at military training. My cold is moving around and it's currently in a place I don't like, my throat. It feels like I've swallowed razor blades.
To add to our glorious moods, it was cold and rainy today. First stop was San Gimignano where we promptly got hot drinks, took in the rolling green hills and then found the "The Gelato World Champion". It was a little early but how could we pass up such an opportunity.
Loaded the bus, next stop Siena. Had lunch, got a tour of city and visited The Cathedral which was stunning. They had a room with frescos from the 1400's unrestored and it looked like they were painted yesterday. Apparently the room gets enough light that candles weren't needed so it didn't get wax and soot residue. Then I found a million things to buy at the souvenir shops, our favorite toddler happens to be named Siena. Luckily I have tomorrow to really look. From there it was a quick stop at a Medieval Castle and then off to our favorite part, Chianti wine tasting.
This place was awesome. They make wine, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a few smaller things. It started as a hobby and finally this guy took a leap and started his own farm. We tried a dessert wine, Chianti classico and what he called a friends wine. It's one that takes time to drink and should be done leisurely in good company. Then we got to taste some absolutely amazing EVOO, truffle olive oil and the grande finale was vanilla ice cream with 30 year old balsamic vinegar. Doesn't sound like it goes together but it was wonderful.
We generally despise large tour groups with their umbrella holding guides, taking up entire doorways, side walks, restaurants but today we were one of them. Up until the wine tour we didn't think the tour was worth the money. We are good enough at navigating a city and seeing sights that we didn't need someone leading the way, plus we like going our own pace.

- We didn't see any Tuscan sun but it's still beautiful
- Serious artwork that's 600 years old, makes you wonder why we are soon wrong these day
- ice cream and balsamic vinegar yes please
- trying to stay dry at the vineyard

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