Saturday, May 5, 2012

May showers

We survived the night train! It wasn't bad at all but I am glad it's our only overnight trip in Italy. We got in at 0655 and sat at the station freezing until 9 when the info desk opened so that we could get a map. We were in no hurry since we figured we couldn't check into our hotel at that hour, we were wrong. The hotel let us check in when we arrived which was nice because we wanted a shower and a quick nap (well sleepy head Michael wanted a nap). While we were getting ready it started raining and we were tempted to stay in our nice 4 star hotel rooms (yeah airline miles!) but ventured out.

I read about a street market that's open Saturday so we checked that out, we had no real plans and it was cold and pouring so we headed to the Vittorio Emanuel Galleria which we figured was inside which it was. There's a mosaic on the floor of a bull and you are supposed to put your foot on his testicles and turn for good luck. It was amusing to watch people of all ages from all around the world do this. It was right next to the Duomo which we are going to tomorrow and from the outside its amazing. From there we just wondered the city found some gelato and lunch (the place had a squat toilet, ahh I thought I was done with those!) and got a good grasp of the subway. On the way back to our hotel we scouted out some viable dinner options. We settled on a place around the corner with good prices and a full dining room.

*Happy Birthday Rich Nelson*

- Michaels dream, a mobile cheese shop at the outdoor market!
- Look Lindsey it's not pizza :-)
- Getting ready for my good luck twirl

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