Saturday, May 5, 2012

Naples has great old stuff!


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get dirty looks from everyone you pass everywhere you go? Well just come to Italy and wear flip flops ... Voila! You're now a carnival attraction. Seriously, Carolyn gets a look of sheer disgust about every 5 minutes or so when she wears flip flops. Ok we get it, Italians are too good for anything that's actually comfortable fashion-wise, but that's just it 'ITALIANS' are too good. Not us. We're not Italian and we never will be. I'm perfectly ok with flip flops or t-shirts or shorts. Also, some of these d-bags should go look in a mirror before they point their fashion beams of hate at us. Shimmery tunics with pink ballet flats don't exactly appear on the cover of vogue! How about a little variety? If you're a man over the age of 35, you're issued the standard Italian uniform consisting of dark pants, a light button down shirt, jacket and hideous shoes.

Anyway, Naples was the encore performance for our southern Italy experience. We got the briefest of looks at Naples last night and let me tell you, it ain't very nice. Shocking though it may sound, arriving during the day didn't help the city's image. It really isn't a big deal to us since we're coming from SE Asia but we could see why the average American couple would feel a little out of place. Scratch that. We could see how a rich, pampered and sheltered couple would feel out of place. The city is pretty dirty and seedy but that's part of the charm I think.

First off, the archeological museum. Our guide book (well it isn't much of a guide book, more like a how-to-do-Italy-for-old-people book) warned us that the museum is a little dumpy so we had low expectations. The building is certainly in need of a facelift and maybe a good scrubbing but the presence of scaffolding led us to believe the city is working on it. Inside wasn't a whole lot better but the artifacts made up for it. The staff had a bit of the old 'I'm going to talk on my phone all day long and not help anyone' attitude. But that's alright because we're just happy to be in Italy! The artifacts on display didn't have much of a description so it was a quick tour (by my standards). What we did see was amazing! Most of the treasures found in Pompeii and Herculaneum were removed and brought to the museum so we saw some awesome old stuff! Most movies and books make you believe homes and buildings from back then (2000 years ago) had barren, bland white walls. Pompeii and Herculaneum prove that all wrong. The frescoes and mosaics found in those ruins would make most modern homes in America seem like a bland hospital room. Bright colors, detailed mosaics, all sorts of decorations lit up this early homes. We even got to go inside the 'Secret' room! This room is secret because it's where all the erotic art from Pompeii and Herculaneum are on display. Do a google search and you'll see what talking about. The average Roman from 2000 years ago wasn't much different than the average person today.

We left the museum and began our search for a new camera. We'd plotted a few electronics store locations and while finding them wasn't difficult, finding one that sold cameras was. After walking around for a while, eating some super tasty gelato an asking for help we stumbled on a mall with a camera store!!!!!! So €95 later, we have a new camera. It's not something you'd see at the JC Penny portrait studio but it takes pictures so it'll do.

Had dinner at the famous Pizzaria L'Anttica which was pretty good but not much different from the ghetto pizzeria we ate at last night, except for the price. Bought some provisions at the international grocery store which meant Carolyn got some gum and I got red wine in a box ... YEA!!!!!!!

We're taking the night train to Milan, leaving at 8:27PM, arriving at 6:55AM. Our cabin isn't the lap of luxury we were hoping for but it's pretty nice. We got a blanket which barely covers my legs, leaving my upper torso to fend for itself against the elements. The bathroom is close by and we have a power outlet!

Tomorrow: Milan!!!!! We'll be there 2 nights, then north to Lake Como.

1) roman mothers would warn their children: 'Claudias, if you don't clean your room I'm going to let the snakes eat your brains!'. My artistic interpretation of course :)
2) it's like she's looking right at you! Statue of Venus from Pompeii.
3) can't pass up a €0.60 cappuccino!
4) Carolyn with her favorite river nymph!
5) Alexander the Great floor mosaic from Pompeii.
6) Famous 'Dirce Bull' statue.
7) Carolyn reading in the bottom bunk of our night train.
8) Archeological museum.
9) Happy couple at the Pizzaria :)
10) Medusa wall mosaic from Pompeii.

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