Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sick day

Today we took half a sick day, slept through breakfast and had a slow morning. We had plenty of slow days in SEA but few in Italy because there is always so much to see we are squeezing in a lot of cities. We feel like we are wasting this opportunity if our day isn't action packed but we finally realized that we needed a break. I know people say you can't complain when you are on vacation but I think when you travel for this long it's not considered a vacation. Are we clocking into a boss everyday no, but we still have to-do lists, we are packing and traveling every two-three days and then running around trying to see every sight possible, it's taxing on the body.
After our sleep in, we ate and headed to the Uffizi Gallery since our guidebook said we'd been in line for hours if we didn't make reservations and it was at the top of Michael's list of sights. 45 minutes later we were standing amongst the best collection of Italian Renaissance art. I'm no art buff but it was cool to see how art changed through time from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional and the phases in between. Most paintings we've seen here have been of The Virgin Mary but today we saw painting of Venus which was nice change. Especially since Mary never looks happy, Venus on the other hand always has a coy smile depending on how she is being depicted.
From there it was off to the Plazzo Vecchio where there is a nice replica of Michelango's David which was enough for us to skip the real deal. Then to the Pontes Vecchio which is a bridge that was turned into a mall, full of gold jewelry which means its a happening place for these window shop loving Italians! We crossed the bridge and walked along the river watching the crew teams practice and headed to dinner. Finished off the night with gelato and a stroll around town.

- Ponte Vecchio - you can see the shops and the secret passage way (near right) that lead from their home to another Palace.
- Me on the Ponte Vecchio
- David

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