Tuesday, February 7, 2012



So if you look at the picture below you'll see a rather normal, plain bed with 2 pillows. You might think to yourself 'the accommodations are pretty good there in Thailand. Decent bed, sheets AND pillows!' Fortunately for the mining industry you're not seeing the hidden wealth just under te sheets. That's right, we've found the fabled adamantium which encases wolverine's skeleton!!!! I don't know what they make the mattresses out of here but it's safe to say it is the hardest material I've ever touched. I'm positive our mattress could stop a direct hit from a .50 caliber machine gun. The good news is we're going to have fantastic posture after this trip! Oh I forgot to mention the pillows or should I say wooden logs with pillow cases.

So the Mrs and I enjoyed a breathtaking sunset last night from the deck just 10 steps from our room. There just aren't words to describe it.

Today we've been motoring around the island just soaking up the sun and getting some supplies for the full moon party. By supplies I mean neon paint and the most outrageously colored clothing you can think of. This full moon party is the zenith of revelry so of course we're going to be participating :)

Went to what was supposed to be the nicest beach on the island today (Had Yao). It was awfully pretty until we got in the water and realized we had joined some sort of jelly fish mating ritual. There must have been 1000000 jellies out there. So we promptly grabbed our things and headed to the next spectacular beach and just floated around for a bit. This was a most enjoyable time however it must be noted that we learned a valuable lesson today: applying sunscreen once a day at 0900 and then sweating uncontrollably is not the best decision. We're pretty crispy right now to say the least.

Tonight ... Going out with some new friends and getting our drink on!!!!

Note: pics below aren't in any order. The first one is our lunch. We were hungry so we stopped at a 'restaurant' (the term is used very loosely) and spent a bit more than usual. My meal was a little over $3.00! Ain't life grand.

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