Wednesday, February 1, 2012


We're here!!!! The flight to Tokyo was fabulous (remember the business class stuff). Had a short layover in Tokyo but did have a quick look around the airport. Flight to Bangkok was ok at best. After business class you just can't go back. Not to mention it was a 6:30 flight!!!! Carolyn and I were zombies during the flight but we're tough and came through just fine.

Customs and immigration in Bangkok could not be easier. The airport is fabulous and the people all seem super nice. We went to the basement and grabbed a bite to eat from a seven-11 (which are all over the place here -- hooray coffee!) which consisted of a donut and some sort of coconut croissant and 2 bottles of water ... All for a grand total of 49 baht (about $1.50).

We're at the hotel now and it's like 1:45AM on Feb 2nd. The room seems really nice so far. We've got AC a small kitchen and running water. Oh and the toilet has a garden hose attached! Isn't that exciting!

Time for bed. Hopefully we'll find WiFi tomorrow so I can post to the blog.

Interesting notes:
- There were about 10 times more westerners on our flight to Bangkok as there were locals.
- Saw our first trophy Thai wife. The guy had to be atleast 70 an his Gucci Thai wife was probably around 25.


  1. There's a water fountain attached to the toilet?! Lucky!

  2. I hope you saved some upgrade points because you will never fly coach to NY again LOL. Have a great time Love Ya
