Monday, February 20, 2012

Curry anyone

Michael is a math wiz that much most of us knew but it was brought to my attention with his latest GRE scores that he's also a literary genius so I am not even going to compete and paint some vivid picture of what we did today I'm just going to tell you what happened.

Cooking day! Why does fun have to always start so early and guess who over slept since we are using Michael's alarm which doesn't even wake him up at home, I'm his alarm clock for that.

Our tour started in the daily market where it seems you can buy any vegetable under the sun or sausage and what we think is fried intestines. Then we went to the cooking school which like every other place around here doubles as the owners home. Seriously the US could learn a thing or two from this place. The Thai people don't waste time, space or food. There were 8 of us in our half day class, we each got to choose 4 meals but one was curry and the curry paste is separate from the meal. I made Pad Thai, Red Curry Paste (first one done on that strenuous activity!), Curry with Eggplant and Coconut Soup. The full day got to make a third meal, app and dessert. Once I realized we weren't going to get to make spring rolls I was a little disappointed that we didn't do the full day but it worked out because we met an awesome couple from...NY ahh so American travelers do exist! This couple has crazy schedules, stressful workloads and still squeezed in a trip to Thailand. We spent the morning prepping, cooking and eating, repeat. I think it's the most we've eaten the since we've been here. It's interesting to see the Thai version of spicy compared to the rest of the world. They told us 6 peppers was medium and the guy next to us had smoke
coming from his ears. And for those of you who know nothing about curry like me beware that it's the green curry that's super spicy not the red. Generally when green curry is served somewhere that we are we can't breath and everyone ends us coughing just from having it in the air.

After an early morning and a full belly a siesta was in order. After that we got ready for the Sunday Night Walking Street which is a huge bazaar that done every week. It's different from the regular night bazaar that we went to the other night. It's a great place to buy souvenirs and try lots of street meat. Michael bought an amulet and in true Blue fashion the only other money we spent was on food. We tried to meet up with some fellow travelers but we couldn't find them so after waiting around for a while we grabbed some large Chiangs and got food massages. Michael doesn't get massages and doesn't like to be touched at all but he was willing this time and wouldn't it be that he gets the only male in all of Thailand giving a massage. I felt awful but he was a trooper. It was another great day in Chiang Mai!

This is me helping a Swedish man who couldn't get his curry paste finished and the us with our finished products

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