Sunday, February 12, 2012

Flower bungalow - Koh Tao


This post may be a little out of order so bear with me. Just want to give a quick recap of our 'nightmare in the bungalow.'

If you remember correctly, we felt like we had won the lottery when we found an air-con room for 700 baht. After an amazing day snorkeling around koh Tao we returned to our room feeling like a couple of movie stars with our A/C. At this point, let me paint a vivid picture of what we encountered. Close your eyes and picture a rather uninteresting white'ish building with a glass front door you'd normally expect at a dr's office circa 1978. Hovering near this door are approximately 436 Mosquitos salivating at the mere scent of our sweet American veins. We make a valiant effort to fight our way to the door and inflict close to 75% casualties but the mozzies take their toll out of our veins anyway. Entering our posh accommodation we're greeted with a pungent yet slightly subdued scent one might expect to find in a scene from CSI or maybe dirty jobs. That's ok though, we have air-con!!! The holy grail is staring us in the face on the wall just screaming 'turn me on and enjoy the bountiful comfort only I can provide you!' however our joy is short lived when we glance up at the roof. Stains - check. Dirt - check. Spider webs - check. F'ing mud-dauber nest - check and mate. That's ok though cause we have air-con!!!! We move to the bathroom where the hotel owner has generously provided mood lighting!!! Yes that's right, a hole in the roof, or maybe we'll call it a 'sky-light,' has been covered up with a red piece of plastic which gives everything in there a faint red-hue. But wait, that's not all ... The red plastic is held on with about 5 pieces of scotch tape which as you can imagine leave quite a few entry points for the mozzies (Mosquitos). It's at this point that we notice several (call it 53) red-tinted mozzies preparing to mount an assault. We quickly move into action mode: Carolyn naturally moves left dealing out withering blows from her fists and feet. I roll right and smash a great-grand-daddy of a bug with a well -timed elbow. After several minutes we stand victorious in our bathroom. Numerous bug carcasses litter the floor. Exhausted, we decide to shower in our lovely mood-lit bathroom. Of course our day would not be complete if we didn't have a cold-water only shower. So we froze to death in our heinous bathroom. Oh, a good thing to come out of the cold shower is we noticed a hole in the wall. Well you and I might call it a hole but the hotel calls it a drain. Yet another entry point for the mozzies. But we're smarter than them so we stuffed a plastic bag in the hole and said a short prayer.

All this 'experience' worked up quite an appetite so we ate a deliciously greasy pizza, had a beer and some garlic bread and grabbed some supplies for the next day. We went back to our room fully expecting to bed down for the night but the room of horrors wasn't finished with us just yet. Carolyn picked up her bag from the floor and a strange black creature ran under the bed. We both immediately put shoes on. I, being the paterfamilias, grabbed my headlamp to investigate the situation. After a few tense minutes of Carolyn jumping on the bed (trying to startle the beast) and me laying on the floor with my headlamp, we concluded whatever it was is probably in the mattress now. Can't wait to go to sleep!

A little while later, Carolyn had drifted off to sleep and I was still looking at the guide book, we were both startled almost half to death by a sound on our roof. The sound of little claws on plastic. Running all over the roof above us. We clutched each other just waiting for the moment the roof caves in on us. Luckily this doesn't happen. We debate whether to sleep with the lights on and whether to wrap ourselves in a protective layer of long clothing.

We eventually found some sleep and weren't bothered by any more beasties until a few hours after midnight. Again the sounds of little claws all over the roof. Carolyn leans in close and whispers in my ear: 'The Creature's back!' I don't think we slept much after that and when the sun came up, we were literally sprinting out of our room.

All is well though. Don't let the crazy story fool you - we're having the time of our lives here! Making our way to Phuket today and then over to Koh Phi Phi as soon as possible. From everything we've read and heard, Phuket is the last place we want to spend any time in.

P.S. The picture is of our roof from our bed. So this is what we looked up at as we listened to the creature claw across our roof. The other pic is from our snorkeling trip.

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