Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Oh! You want a shower?


Koh Phi Phi (pronounced Pee Pee, not Fee Fee) is exactly like you read: a friggin paradise. Think giant limestone cliffs rising out of crystal blue water, powdery beaches not unlike Florida's gulf coast and a laid back attitude that would make even bob marley feel like a New Yorker. No cars here, teeny little walking paths with all sorts of trinkets and food to buy and of course hundreds of tattoo shops.

We're staying at a place called the banana resort high above the beach. The owner picked us up at the pier with a hand cart to carry our baggage and led us up to the resort itself. We got our key and were led up to our room. When I say 'up' I really mean up. The resort is already up a mountain but our room is 62 horrendous steps above the resort entrance. Normally we wouldn't give it much thought but the climb is so precarious you almost need a safety line in case you trip. Anyway we enter our little bungalow and are greeted with 2 beds (one big and one tiny), A/C (Yay!!!!) a mozzie net and a separate bathroom which looked huge! Of course the air wasn't on so upon entering we immediately developed a case of swamp-As* and had a lovely sweaty sheen all over our body and you know what that means ... Shower time!!!!! Clothes off, towels in hand, soap readied we turned on our shower, which by the way appeared to have hot water. Nothing. A trickle of water came out of the nozzle. Like slightly more than a drip. Grrrrrr. Looks like our Thai cultural experience just got that much richer! Oh and did I mention that the toilet is missing the seat? Yeppers, just the oval pot ... Can't wait to hover! We also noticed the 'under-carriage cleaner' (garden hose) next to the toilet which I'm quite certain uses the same water as our shower. So my loving wife did what any smart girl would ... She hosed me down (pic below).

This experience is just evidence that our standards are lowering with every day. I say this cause as we're washing our bodies and clothes with the under-carriage cleaner we remarked that this place is 'really nice!'

As a child I loved watching Tarzan and sometimes pretended that I was the lord of the jungle. Last night as we lay underneath our mosquito net, high above in our 'tree house' I got to live out that fantasy. Even better, Carolyn got to play the part of Jane :)

So Valentine's day is upon us which means I have to up my game a notch. Sunset snorkel tour on Koh Phi Phi???? Winning!!!!!!! Now I just need to find a sweet heart shaped chocolate box and a bag of red runts (which they don't make anymore) somewhere out here in the middle of the Andaman Sea.

We'll post more pics later from our snorkel trip ... Supposed to be going to the perfect beach from the movie 'The Beach.' So if you can suffer through that awful movie, you can see what we'll be seeing.

1 comment:

  1. Just think all your military training in the boonies came in handy for this trip what would you have done with out it lol. Thanks for the call it was great to hear your voice. Have fun the scenery is wonderful.
