Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You mean the party is tonight?


It's about 7 pm. Our new friends say they're going out to grab dinner but will be back shortly since we're all going out tonight. Great! We'll just go have a brewski and hang out.

Fast forward to 9:30. We're fading fast. I look at her, she looks at me an we both know it: it's sleepy time. The time in which you become a pumpkin is inversely proportional to your age. This little equation means we're ready to hit the hay at about 9 pm. So we decide we'll just head off to bed. Our new friends won't miss us. Besides, the 'party' is tomorrow night.

It's about 9:45 and the girls (our new friends) have returned and say they're having a beer at the resort bar. We decide to join them thinking that'll be a polite way for us to back out of tonight's festivities.

It's 10:24. We notice people walking around in outrageous costumes. Carolyn grabs the iPhone and asks father google 'when is the full moon party?'

Yes you are correct: the full moon party is tonight. Now it's the 4th quarter with 2:00 left. We have to put our game faces on. So that's what we're doing.

Now let's go over the cornucopia of mistake we made today:
- woke up early
- spent all day at the beach in the sun
- got incredibly sun burned
- had a small dinner
- did not purchase alcohol prior to a large alcoholic event.
- did not Pre-game.

Despite all the odds, Mrs blue and I are 2 beers into what will probably be a very long night. We're dressed for success and getting ready to apply our neon paint :)

Did I mention that the ONLY reason we came to this island is for the full moon party? Seriously we were about 15 minutes from sleeping through the party. Thanks Rebecca!!!

More to follow ...

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