Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ferry'd out


Been one of those days. After some debate, we decided a 1.5 hour flight to Chiang Mai is a much better option than the 48'ish hour train+bus+train. So we booked our ferry back to Phuket and then bought a cheap'ish flight direct to Chiang Mai. Spent last night watching a Law and Order (winning!!!) and desperately trying to ignore a group of adolescent Malaysian kids party all night. It all culminated with a swift fist to the wall and forceful 'Quiet down in there!!!!!!!!'

Up super early at 0715 (for us atleast hahaha), quick shower (just to immediately start sweating again) and then off to the ferry. At the pier, the lady at the ticket counter tried to sell us an onward transfer to the airport but since we've been fleeced a few times already we decided to take our chances in Phuket.

The ferry started out well enough but about 5 minutes into the trip we stopped in the middle of the harbor. Apparently someone onboard forgot their camera and a nice taxi-boat person drove out to drop it off. Normally I'd remark how nice that was. But being that we had already sweat through our clothes, I quietly cursed the poor soul. The ferry started up again only to stop dead on the water about 2 minutes later. Looking around we saw a couple other boats sitting around as well. Nothing happened an no one mentioned what was happening. Finally another ferry boat approached and tied up alongside us. Now the next part is something out of the late night world news. Our boat already had several thousand people onboard (prolly closer to 200) but for some reason they figured it'd be ok to take on another 200 people. There were bags and people everywhere it was crazy. A large wave would have rolled us over no problem.

Anyway, so our 1.5 hour ferry ride turned into a 3 hour suck-fest. Ohwell, it's all part of the experience.

We managed to get a ride to the airport with a nice Chilean couple for fairly cheap. Got here with about 6 hour to kill but that's alright cause we're in the A/C :)

We'll be in Chiang Mai around 9:00PM and then we'll walk around looking for a place to stay. So far our research indicates prices and standards will be getting much better.

P.S. We definitely got our bronze on in the islands!!!!

Oh and a very happy happy birthday dad!!!!!

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