Saturday, February 4, 2012

Harry Potter?

2/4 - In this relationship we consider ourselves partners but inevitably in life some things don't come out 50/50. Generally for us this is with cleaning (Michael tries his best and still after all this time offers to help but I'm a little particular) and for Michael it's vacation planning which includes tour guide and navigational expert (he hasn't been living up to this title but getting lost is part of the fun). That said although he told me time and time again our plans for this trip I wasn't actually listening, instead I was making sure our shots were good, coordinating storage, forwarding mail, etc.
I paid enough attention to know that we were taking an overnight train and that he got second class so we could sleep. I've been very excited about it although I'm not sure why since I grew up on Long Island and am familiar enough with trains. The whole time I'm picturing scenes from Harry Potter or Sherlock Holmes 2 and today when I discussed this with Michael he laughed at me, saying it wasn't going to be like either. The steward came and put down our beds, we get a fluffy pillow, a softer bed then we've slept on in days, sheets, a blanket and a curtain for privacy. Michael likes pretending he's really in the Navy so he took the top bunk. I'm in my little nestle of goodness and although it's no train for track 9 3/4 it's still pretty cool!

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