Friday, February 3, 2012

Bangkok taxi adventure

Last night we experienced a ride most people would call thrilling. Carolyn and I called it 'finding our zen place'. It was harrowing to say the least. Traffic was ridonkulous, there were approximately 3.2 million cars on the road and it was pitch black out.

Basically the cabs here are like Chuck Norris on 4 wheels. You say this road has 4 lanes and they're all packed? Mr taxi-Norris says 'F you! I'll make my own lane here in this little 7 inch swath of concrete!' Oh you mean there are 15 cars waiting to make a u-turn? Mr taxi-Norris says 'F you! I'll just cut these lazy douche's off and complete my u-turn at no less than 64 MPH sucka's!!'

But we made it to our room safe and sound and found some zen along the way :)

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